Learning to keep your alcohol intake in check is the first step in drinking responsibly. It’s also important to be responsible for your own actions and to ask for help when you need it.
Know your limits
Don’t drink too much, and don’t drink too quickly. In practice, this basically looks like having one drink per hour, with water or a soft drink in-between alcoholic drinks. When you feel drunk, stop drinking.
Don’t mix your drinks
Don’t leave your drink unattended or don’t accept a bottle that has already been opened
Don’t drink and drive
If you have to drive, don’t drink. Make arrangements for how you’ll get home before you go out. Alcohol is a depressant drug that slows down your reaction speed, which means if you need to think and act quickly, you probably won’t be able to. Learner drivers aren’t allowed to have any alcohol in their system while driving.
Avoid mixing alcohol and other drugs
That means both prescription drugs and recreational drugs. Make sure you know how alcohol will react with any medications you’re on.
Use common sense
If it doesn’t sound like a good idea, it probably isn’t one. If you’re not comfortable with the environment you’re in or are worried about bad things happening, just call it a night.