It is no myth that withdrawal symptoms start to peak around day 3. So here at Elim staff that are giving up coffee, sugar, etc, present company included were complaining of headaches and general grumpiness. No wonder staff was avoiding the management team who are all in the process of giving up coffee.
But, fortunately, day 4 arrived and all were unscathed. Those kicking sugar reported that their energy levels are returning, they admitted having a problem, and most importantly are now starting to admit that they are inclined to turn to sugar, coffee, and social media instead of turning to healthy stress-relieving activities.
Now….. the big question, the social media kicking group, are they going to last. Let me spy on Mishak and find out.
The good news is that the staff of Elim Clinic are once again the happy group they are known to be. More from me on the last day. Take care and hang in there.